BUY: FM Transmitter Module -- build radio station


Ever thinking about set up a music radio station yourself? I think it would be great if you could build a music station and share your music with others. Pretty cool, right?

This module could modulate your voice on the FM radio wave. And anyone who has a radio device could receive it. We build everything on this module, which makes it very easy to build a tiny radio station. We also reate library for Arduino to work with this module. We make everything easy for you.



If is very easy to connect it with Arduino if you have Arduino Sensor Shield V6.

If you don't have sensor shield, you could wire them in the following way:

Arduino        FM Module
GND   ------------   GND
5V    ------------   VCC
SDA   ------------   SDA
SCL   ------------   SCL

Then connect the antenna. Any metal line about 75cm can serves as an antenna.


Download the libary and upload the example sketch to Arduino. The open Serial monitor:

Turn out your radio device and set it at FM 90MHz. Enjoy!


Product List

  1. FM Transmitter module x1
  2. 4pin wire x1
  3. Doule male recording line x1